Friday, December 14, 2012


How is it going?  Yup, get asked that a lot!  Problem is, it's such a hard question to answer.  Our schedule is crazy and we never feel settled as a family, always on the go, always with new people, always feeling tired.
there are so many incredible positives crammed in between the chaos.  Like- surprise visits from family,   new experiences for the girls (Clair's store, trick-or-treating), connecting with people that have been praying for us the last two years, challenging people about missions, and apple fritters!

For me personally, furlough is a challenge;  I struggle feeling comfortable at church meetings and talking all day long wears out my jaw (from the surgery).  My heart continually breaks as I watch the girls thoroughly enjoy family and know that they will miss them SO much when we head back.  I worry about our previous patients and staff and wonder how difficult it will be to get back up running.
what an opportunity to rest in our Lord, enjoy every moment and let Him fill me with His peace.  His joy is so complete and it is only when my heart is divided and struggling can I really understand that.
I praise God that furlough isn't perfect and take joy in the moments He gives :)

Putting up the Christmas tree with Papa

The first snow flakes- yes, she was out in her pjs and socks :)

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