Thursday, January 17, 2008

Team meetings

Once a month we pack up and head to Durban for a team meeting. This involves leaving the house before 7am, traveling about 2 hours and spending a whole day in meetings and fellowship. It is a day we all look forward to, but also a day that wears us out! The girls look forward to taking a nap in their tent. We pitch the tent in a quiet corner and try to make nap time something special. So far, so good!
The first hour of a team meeting holds a devotional, ministry and personal updates from everybody and small group prayer time. We love catching up with everybody since we are all involved in different ministries and different areas. After "tea time", we get down to business; hearing reports from committees and discussing new items. A short team meeting ends about 1pm and we all head off in our own direction. We usually take advantage of being in Durban and catch up on shopping that can only be done in the big city.
Every other month is a long team meeting. We have a carry-in meal and after lunch split up into our committees to work on assigned tasks. Kyle and I are part of the Resource Committee and have been enjoying "learning the ropes". One of the ladies in the committee is leaving on furlough in May, so I will be taking over her job. She manages the communication and details of all the visiting short-term missionaries and ministry teams from colleges and from ABWE. I'm slowly learning all the is involved in this :)

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